Silverback Gym & Fitness Dornoch

The GO TO gym in the Highlands

With an amazingly welcoming atmosphere, a growing community of all ages and a fantastic selection of equipment, Silverback Gym is securing its place as THE go to gym in the Highlands. Each gym has been specifically and carefully designed to suit its area and our “Strength in Body and Mind” focus.

Tain being our flagship gym has the biggest and the most varied selection of equipment. Tain has an industrial, down to earth, its time to train vibe. With space enough to carry out any and every workout you could conceive.

Dornoch has everything you need to carry out a full body training session, with its own, unique, more intimate feel. Here you can use our bespoke rig for that functional fitness blast as well as having your basic strength needs more than met, you will also find here our TRUE STRETCH© cage, a game changer for our golfers.

Up at the Royal Marine Hotel in Brora, you will find our most northly gym, at home on the ground floor of this beautiful hotel. Here you will find, oooh so much more than your usual hotel gym.
This is also a strength gym make no mistake, small, and perfectly formed. Everything you can possibly need has been included for that head-to-toe workout.

Each spot has its own feel and vibe to it, come along and tell us what you think.

We look forward to meeting you.

Jim and Ruth xx